Our platform, your benefits
Easy order management
With just a few clicks, you can access your order and invoice history by logging into your user account.
New mobility products
Full range of products from top brands: Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei.
Personalized assistance & support from Phonetastic
The Phonetastic team, with over 14 years of experience in the field, is ready to provide wick and efficient solutions for all your business needs.
Optimized stocks
Diversified physical stock with full accessibility in all of Europe.
Exclusive deals
Benefit from personalized offers, tailored to your profile and purchasing behavior.
Corporate & lifecycle management
Purchase and replace IT&C fleet with newer ones.
24/7 Access
Our customers can access the platform and place orders 24/7 from any device.
Service & financial solutions
Special annual rebate program for our most active customers.